August 2017 ~ African Fake Out

"Working on putting this playlist together, it started to feel like there was a secret theme - music that sounds like it's from Africa, but isn't."

Featuring: Msafiri Zawose, Steve Lacy, Deerhoof, Deradoorian, and more.


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August 2016 ~ Overtaken By My Inner Grump

"One day at work my co-worker Sammi asked me if I ever listened to Ought. "Are they a punk band?," I asked, likely with barely disguised disgust. "Ah, yeah, I guess so," Sammi replied. "Oh, I don't like 'punk' music," I declared, using actual air quotes, and walked away. What. The. Hell?"

Featuring: Mbongwana Star, Juan Gabriel, Twenty One Pilots, The Avett Brothers, and more.


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May 2014: South Africa, Brooklyn, Campeche, and beyond

Why is Brooklyn filled with so much extraordinary music?, we wondered. Clearly, New York City's history as a cultural hotbed has a lot to do with it. Still, there's something special about the critical mass that has accrued in our nation's fourth-largest city. 

Featuring: Samthing Soweto, Mica Levi, Atmosphere, Cian Nugent, and more. 

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