February 2017 ~ We On Now

"I love it when great rappers get political, socially conscious, whatever you want to call it. Especially when they continue to sound like they're doing the same old rap braggadocio. Nope. This is a song about black power. Period. And Staples doesn't pull any punches."

Featuring: Vince Staples, Jesca Hoop, Oddisee, Las Cafeteras, and more.

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August 2016 ~ Overtaken By My Inner Grump

"One day at work my co-worker Sammi asked me if I ever listened to Ought. "Are they a punk band?," I asked, likely with barely disguised disgust. "Ah, yeah, I guess so," Sammi replied. "Oh, I don't like 'punk' music," I declared, using actual air quotes, and walked away. What. The. Hell?"

Featuring: Mbongwana Star, Juan Gabriel, Twenty One Pilots, The Avett Brothers, and more.


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