February 2014: Dream of the'80's

A good cover honors the original and puts a new spin on it. A great cover can make you completely reevaluate an original (no matter how mediocre) by seizing the kernel of genius within and spinning it into something barely recognizable.

Featuring: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Moondog, Neneh Cherry, Tinariwen, and more. 

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January 2014: The Problem with "World Music"

When trying to fulfill a New Year's resolution, it helps mightily if you've chosen to nudge yourself in the direction of something pleasurable, rather than trying to force yourself on an odious task. With one of my two musical resolutions in mind, I've been spending some time checking out Bandcamp as a resource for new music, and it's been pretty rewarding, turning me on to this incredible collection and more.

Featuring: Asaf Avidan, El Rego, Martin Carthy, Sharon Jones, and more. 

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