August 2016 ~ Overtaken By My Inner Grump

"One day at work my co-worker Sammi asked me if I ever listened to Ought. "Are they a punk band?," I asked, likely with barely disguised disgust. "Ah, yeah, I guess so," Sammi replied. "Oh, I don't like 'punk' music," I declared, using actual air quotes, and walked away. What. The. Hell?"

Featuring: Mbongwana Star, Juan Gabriel, Twenty One Pilots, The Avett Brothers, and more.


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December 2014: Bringing the Music Home

"I knew that the whole thing was going to be partly a present to myself, but I didn't anticipate just how special it would be to be able to share music like that with them again, to get an unfettered glimpse at the essential glue that binds our family."

Featuring: Sylvan Esso, Open Mike Eagle, Treme Brass Band, D'Angelo, and more. 

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